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Who Is Responsible in a Three Car Accident

Who Is Responsible in a Three Car Accident

By Hampton & Pigott
Posted on 12-8-2021

Nothing can change the course of your day like a car accident can. An inherently stressful situation like a car accident can become even more stressful when there are multiple cars involved. When you are involved in an accident, your head may be spinning. Once you have confirmed that everyone is ok physically, your next thought probably turns to who’s to blame. Here are some things you should know when it comes to three car accidents and who is liable.

Negligence Determines Responsibility

With all car accidents, determining the negligent party will be what confirms who is liable for damages. This, of course, is far easier when there are only two cars involved. When more than one car is involved in an accident, this is usually as a result of a chain reaction. Multi-car accidents also typically have multiple contributing factors, like weather and other drivers not paying attention. All this is to say that car accidents where multiple cars are involved usually result in more than one party sharing liability.

Your insurance company will be the ones who evaluate all the details and decide which parties are liable and divide that liability accordingly. All who are partially liable will have a sum that they must contribute towards the damages incurred.

How to Behave at the Scene

The moments after the accident are crucially important to the legal outcome. The police officer on scene as well as the other parties involved will be making reports that can potentially be used against you.

That is why the first thing you should avoid doing is admitting or assigning guilt. You may be shaken up by the experience, but try to avoid placing blame at the scene, especially towards yourself. Doing so can nullify your claim against the other drivers with your insurance.

In a similar vein, try to keep your emotions in check. Do not get angry and do not apologize. Both actions can make you appear as a guilty party.

Do not speculate at the scene. Stick to relating the facts to the officer making the report and avoid speculating over what happened.

Also, there will be time before the police officer can arrive at the scene. This time is important. Make sure to take pictures of the damage, where the cars are, license plates, and whatever else you can document. Always better to have more evidence than you need than not enough. Take photos of the driver’s insurance cards and IDs. Get their names and contact information as well.

Contact an Attorney

Things get complicated when there are multiple cars involved in an accident. If you need help with an accident, you were in, contact one of our experienced personal injury attorneys right ​ away. We will listen carefully to you and make sure that liability falls on the right people. We will protect your rights.
