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Navigating the Path to Divorce: Essential Information with Hampton & Pigott

Navigating the Path to Divorce: Essential Information with Hampton & Pigott

By Hampton and Pigott
Posted on 6-3-2024

Divorce is a complex and emotional process. Here at Hampton & Pigott, we understand the challenges you face and are committed to guiding you through each step with compassion and expertise. This blog post aims to equip you with essential knowledge about filing for divorce in Broomfield, CO.

Understanding the Grounds for Divorce

Every state has its own legal grounds for divorce. In [State where Hampton & Pigott operates], the most common grounds include:

  • Fault-based divorce: This involves proving one spouse's misconduct, such as adultery, cruelty, abandonment, or drug/alcohol addiction.
  • No-fault divorce: This option does not require assigning blame and simply states that the marriage is irretrievably broken. It is generally the faster and less contentious option.

Residency Requirements

To file for divorce in [State where Hampton & Pigott operates], you or your spouse must have lived in the state for a specific period, typically [number] months or [number] years.

Gathering Important Documents

The divorce process requires various documents, including:

  • Marriage certificate
  • Proof of income and assets (pay stubs, bank statements, investment records)
  • Debt documentation (credit card statements, loan agreements)
  • Child custody and support documentation (if applicable)

Reaching Agreements on Key Issues

Several crucial aspects need to be addressed during a divorce, including:

  • Division of marital property and debts: This involves dividing assets and liabilities acquired during the marriage fairly.
  • Child custody and visitation: If you have children, a parenting plan outlining custody arrangements and visitation schedules needs to be established.
  • Spousal support (alimony): In some cases, one spouse may be awarded financial support from the other.

Considering Mediation

Mediation can be a valuable tool for couples to reach agreements outside of court. A neutral third party facilitates communication and helps couples find solutions that work for everyone involved.

The Role of a Divorce Attorney

An experienced divorce attorney from Hampton & Pigott can:

  • Guide you through the legal process
  • Advise you on your rights and options
  • Represent you in court, if necessary
  • Negotiate on your behalf to reach fair settlements
  • Provide emotional support during this challenging time

Hampton & Pigott: Your Trusted Partner in Divorce

At Hampton & Pigott, we understand the emotional and financial complexities of divorce. Our team of dedicated attorneys will work tirelessly to protect your rights and guide you towards a positive resolution. We are committed to finding solutions that minimize conflict and prioritize the well-being of both parties and any children involved.

Moving Forward with Confidence

Contact Hampton & Pigott today for a confidential consultation. We will answer your questions, address your concerns, and help you navigate the path to divorce with clarity and support.

Unveiling the Role of a Military Defense Attorney: Advocates for Justice in the Armed Forces

By Hampton Pigott Staff
Posted on 6-1-2024

Military law can be very complex. A military defense attorney can help you to understand how regulations and procedures differ significantly from civilian legal systems. These legal professionals play a vital role in ensuring justice and upholding the rights of military personnel facing legal challenges within the armed forces. From defending service members facing court-martial charges to providing legal counsel and representation throughout military proceedings, military defense attorneys serve as advocates for those who dedicate their lives to serving their country. Here's a closer look at what a military defense attorney does and how they navigate the unique legal landscape of the military:

Legal Representation and Counsel

One of the primary responsibilities of a military defense attorney is to provide legal representation and counsel to service members facing various legal issues within the military justice system. This may include advising clients on their rights, explaining the potential consequences of legal actions, and guiding them through the complexities of military law and regulations. Military defense attorneys work closely with their clients to develop defense strategies, gather evidence, and advocate on their behalf throughout the legal process.

Court-Martial Defense

A significant aspect of a military defense attorney's role is defending service members facing court-martial charges, which are military trials conducted for serious offenses under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ). Military defense attorneys represent clients accused of a wide range of offenses, from misconduct and dereliction of duty to more serious crimes such as desertion, assault, or even murder. They conduct thorough investigations, review evidence, interview witnesses, and prepare a robust defense to challenge the prosecution's case and protect the rights of their clients.

Administrative Separation Boards

In cases where service members face administrative separation from the military due to misconduct or other reasons, military defense attorneys provide representation and advocacy during administrative separation boards. These boards review the circumstances of the case and determine whether the service member should be retained or discharged from the military. Military defense attorneys work to ensure that their clients receive fair treatment and due process throughout the administrative separation process, presenting evidence and arguments to support their continued service if appropriate.

Appeals and Post-Trial Proceedings

In the event of a conviction or adverse ruling, military defense attorneys may also represent their clients in appeals and post-trial proceedings to challenge the outcome and seek relief. This may involve filing appeals with military appellate courts or petitioning for post-trial relief, such as a new trial or sentence reconsideration. Military defense attorneys meticulously review trial records, identify legal errors or irregularities, and present persuasive arguments to appellate judges to secure a favorable outcome for their clients.

Legal Assistance and Support Services

In addition to representing clients in formal legal proceedings, military defense attorneys also provide a wide range of legal assistance and support services to service members and their families. This may include drafting legal documents, providing advice on personal legal matters, such as estate planning or family law issues, and offering guidance on military-specific legal issues, such as deployment-related issues or military benefits. Military defense attorneys serve as trusted advisors and advocates, helping service members navigate legal challenges and protect their rights both on and off duty.


Military defense attorneys play a critical role in safeguarding the rights and interests of service members within the armed forces. From providing legal representation and counsel to defending clients facing court-martial charges, administrative separation boards, and appeals, military defense attorneys advocate tirelessly for their clients' rights and ensure that they receive fair treatment under the law. With their expertise in military law and dedication to justice, military defense attorneys serve as indispensable allies for service members facing legal challenges and strive to uphold the principles of integrity, fairness, and accountability within the military justice system.
