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Changes We Have Made Due to the Coronavirus

By Hampton & Pigott
Posted on 4-9-2020

The legal world never stops even when a pandemic is going on. However, we have changed the way we do things to make sure that we are doing our part in keeping everyone safe. Here at Hampton and Pigott LLP we understand how serious this pandemic is and its impact on people around the world. We want to give you full assurance by divulging the process that we are now taking on with this coronavirus.

The first and foremost change that we have made is switching to video conferencing calls. We understand that although these are uncertain times you may still need legal assistance. Whether you’re going through a divorce, a personal injury claim or unfortunately having to deal with probate due to the death of a family member, we can help you every step of the way.

We first like to meet with our clients about what kind of legal help they are wanting. We will be very upfront with you from the beginning on how we are able to help you. Our approach is very sensible, logical, and realistic. Whether we think that we can get you a settlement or win the whole case, we will tell you from the beginning. The initial video conferencing will allow us to get to know each other and establish an initial strategy.

After we do our initial visit we then move forward with your case. Gathering the needed information can be done through email and a fax machine if you have one. This will help to greatly reduce the amount of physical contact that we have with our clients. From there, we can adjust and proceed as needed. How we proceed is done on a case by case basis. We evaluate what needs to take place and how we are then able to do so within the mandated protocol for the Coronavirus.

If you need anything regarding legal matters, then we are here to help. Hampton & Pigott LLP wants to make sure that you are taken care of regardless of what may be going on around in the world. Give us a call today if you would like our legal assistance today! Or you can fill out our online request form for more information.
